As a result of reading the interview with Nick Denton “Take an Obsession, Then Feed IT!” in Blog! (Kline and Burstein 151-157) there were several things that I agreed with.
In fact, I agree mostly with the comment he made that blogs should not be used to make money.
After all blogging was not originally designed to make a profit, it was designed to give people a way to express their feelings, ask questions and get there ideas out into the world.
Also I think his idea for hiring new writers for blogging as opposed to writers with track records in the media is a great idea.
Although new writers might not have as much experience, I believe in the same way Denton does “they are hungrier”.
In addition to those statements I was unable to agree with his statement about how blogging is pretty much going to take over newspapers.
Although there is a good chance that blogging is going to develop more over the years there will still be the newspapers out there for the old fashioned type.
Since blogging is mainly for discussion and things of the sort, it would be unlikely for everything to switch over to blogging such as fashion tips and things like that.