Thursday, October 4, 2007

HW 17: We're Damn Good At Faking It!

The blog I enjoyed most was from Jezebel and was titled, What Does An Orgasm Really Sound Like Anyway. The link to his blog is I enjoyed this blog because it was very funny to me and I agree with the statements that are being made. The blog is about a list of 50 things men wish that women knew. The blog mentions numbers 19 and 23 off of this list, which truly amused me. Number 19 was “there’s no better sound in the world than you having an orgasm”. This intrigued me because I had never heard any man say that before. I can understand how it could be arousing for a man to hear that however it is hard for me to believe that it is the best sound in the world. Number 23 was “You’re really bad at faking it”. It was not only this comment that made me laugh. The comment from the woman responding to this thought was what really got me. She said, “If the sound of our orgasms is getting you off, then we’re probably really good at faking it.” This made me laugh because we all know how hard it is for a woman to have an orgasm, and in most cases women do fake it. However, that does not mean that the man never gets off because in most cases he does just fine. Overall I thought this blog was absolutely hilarious and utterly amusing.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

This is an amusing post. Evidently the original list of 50 things is from a Men's Health magazine, and Jezebel questions whether men really can tell when a woman is faking it.