Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HW 23: Why Them and Not Me?

With Apologies to Virginia Woolf

Today I was taking a look at a blog entry on Jezebel and found something that intrigued me. There was and article about Tyra Banks that was pertaining to her show and was written by one of her so-called “loyal viewers”. The blog post was titled “Tyra Has No love For Women Who Love Sex” (http://jezebel.com/gossip/clips/tyra-aint-got-no-love-for-women-who-love-sex-314099.php). I knew prior to reading the article that it was going to brush me the wrong way. The post informed the readers about an episode of Tyra’s show about women who are proud to be sexually aggressive and how it upset her viewer. The author of the post was upset that Tyra would have the mettle to have extreme women that host sex parties on her show rather than the genuine slut like herself. The post proceeds to talk about how repulsive it was to hear about the bedroom behavior of these sex-craving women. The author also mentions the idea that these sex-craved women go about their ways due to some sort of inner “emptiness”.

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