Tuesday, October 16, 2007

HW 17B: Make Me Laugh and I'll Vote

After reading “Blogging the Presidency: An Interview with Markos Moulitsas Zuniga” and “Sex, Lies, and Political Scrapes: An Interview with Ana Marie Cox” I can efficiently answer the question: Which blog would be more likely to influence the way you vote in a coming election. I found Ana Marie Cox to be extremely hilarious. She has a great way f keeping the readers attention by making them laugh and stating amusing details about her life. She speaks a great deal about sex as a general topic, which I find, is something that most young people in the world today would be more likely to follow. I myself would definitely be persuaded to vote for Cox or whomever she was representing in the election due to the fact that she would make me laugh. Since politics isn’t something that I am really all that interested in, this would be a great approach to get me involved. I am not currently registered to vote, but after reading these entries, I feel that it is possible to intrigue me and convince me to vote.

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